Monday, 23 June 2014

glad midsommar / happy midsummer

It’s Midsummer. It is one of the most important holidays of the year in Sweden, and is celebrated in a uniquely way with raising and dancing around a maypole (midsommarstång) which is covered with greens and flowers. People are dancing and singing ”the little frog” around the pole. Some of us wear traditional folk costumes and flower crowns made of wild flowers. Fresh potatoes, pickled herring, sour cream, chives and strawberries are on the menu. Drinking songs (snapsvisor) to the snaps are of course a must! Midsummer’s night is thought to be magic, so as I young girl a picked a bouquet of seven different wild flowers and put them under my pillow in the hope of dreaming about my future spouse... I dreamt about a tall, blonde man!

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