Tuesday, 30 January 2007

another day down

It's just been one of those days that you most definitely won't remember a year, or even a week, from now. I went to the chiropractor to get my back clicked. While waiting in the treatment room for my chiro I noticed on display a box of brand new tools. Shiny and cold looking stainless steel objects. With hooks and sharp edges. Ehhh... Thought about running but in he came, with a big smile and started chatting away. He spared me the metal hooks and chose to put a finger under my spine instead. Aaaaaaaaaye! I'm getting quite frustrated with my back pains now. It doesn't feel right to be 26 and not being able to walk with a bag of shopping for 10 minutes without feeling pain. I'm definitely starting to feel old in more than one way. Worrying, moaning, aching and saggy, wrinkly skin! Help!
The rest of my boring day I spent browsing a book store, helping my neighbour with her wedding invitations, walking, taking photos of my lounge and making canellonis with spinach and garlic. Will finish this day off now with a trip to the cinema and lots of popcorn. That will definitely cheer me up :) Hope you got more things done than me, or that they were more interesting or important at least. Kram


  1. like a fruit bowl for Andy Warhol!

  2. one day you will enjoy days like this! you have too much to do instead of feeling sorry about your wrinkles ;o)

  3. jobbigt med din värk! vad händer med oss? vi låter som två små tanter. jag måste nog ta tag i styrketräningen, känner också att min hållning kollapsar och att man knappt orkar bära någonting. men skönt att du får hjälp, kanske borde du testa akupunktur? min massör rekommenderar det starkt. det har även hjälpt daniel.

  4. har du provat akupunktur? verkar vara en san dar grej som funkar mot det mesta, men later ju anda lite laskigt med alla nalstick :)

  5. today I'm really enjoying not having anything to do (nothing that has to be done immediately that is), like you said, this is something I really will miss one day. good to be reminded!

  6. jag borde inte ens vara här, borde sitta med näsan i böckerna. men jag ville bara... iaf så har jag inte provat akupunktur, mest för att jag är hemskt rädd för nålar:(
    men daniel försöker verkligen att övertala mig, så när armen är på väg att ramla av så är det väl dags.
