Sunday, 25 February 2007

shopping shopping

After the birthday cake we had dinner at Taman Gang, a pan-asian restaurant that was much more impressive than it's website. Lovely food, but sadly the music was too loud. Had a drink called chilimintini that was really too spicy for me. And then I'm used to eat spicy food. Today we went to Old Spitalfields Market, more pleasant then Camden Lock Market yesterday which was too crowded and noisy. Although we bought two pairs of shoes (yes, Emma got two pairs of brown boots!) it was not as nice as today's shopping. In Banglacity, Brick Lane, I found a pair of vintage boots that had my name on it:) later I got hands on a lovely pink dress and a jumper in cashmere. Emma fell in love with two lovely dresses that surely will light up this year's parties. At Leon's we had the most tasty lunch that felt really healthy, which reminded me about my lost diet. Yes, I feel a bit guilty, but this week I will enjoy everything and worry about my extra kilos when I come home. I'm looking forward to me and Emma baking semla.

27th bathday

What a great birthday! I had the best company and got lots of wonderful presents. And thank you Elizabeth, for hinting to my boyfriend that the kid in me desperately wanted a birthday cake :) The day started with beautiful singing from Scott and then a swedish, more comical version by mum on the phone. Picked up the other gorgeous E at the station and we have been shopping and eating non stop since then! More pictures and stories to follow... bye bye now

Thursday, 22 February 2007

midnight blogging

It's been a looooong day and I've spent most of it working on a new CV. I thought I would finish this and send off some applications sometime after lunch. Then I thought I would finish before dinner and then perhaps later this evening. It's now after midnight and it's not done! aaargh. Somehow all those other jobs like doing laundry, sorting through papers, helping friends with their stuff and shortening the curtains are much more appealing. But I've decided to go to bed pleased with myself, as long as something gets done, right?

Scott and I booked a ski holiday today. I finally have it on paper and can start looking forward to it. Should probably start working out for it as well! We're going to Alpes d'Huez in France and it will be my first time skiing outside Scandinavia so that's really exciting. We also booked ski lessons for the whole week for both of us. Although I ski well enough I thought it could be nice to perfect the technique a bit, plus it's boring to ski alone when Scott is trying to impress the other beginners at ski school ;)

Speak to you soon, probably when you are having problems deciding what to bring :) Just remember to leave some room for all the stuff you might want to take home from here! Kram

Sunday, 18 February 2007


Oj vilken lang bloggbreak jag haft! Har idag vinkat adjo till Petra, besokare nr 2. Ska ladda upp nu infor din visit och halla mig hemma sa jag har massa upptackargladje kvar. Har halkat efter med de vardagliga rutinerna lite sa jag hoppas komma i power mode imorgon. Helgen har varit bra med otroligt fint varvader och en ordentlig kulturutflykt till Leeds castle, som ligger i ditt kara Kent - "the garden of England". Jag gillar verkligen slott och att forsoka forestalla sig hur det kan ha sett ut under dess storhetstid. Det basta med Leeds castle, forutom de otroliga gronomradena som omger det, var att de inte bara hade rum i 1500-talsstil med pyttesangar utan aven salonger inredda pa 30- o 50-talet med mossgrona soffor o medaljongtapeter. Spannande att lasa om hur amerikanskfodda Lady Baille underholl societeten pa sitt slott. Naval, vad ar val en bal pa slottet...

Nu ar det laggdags i London och jag hoppas att alla spar av helgens choklad- o marsipankalas ar borta imorgon! Kram

lonely Friday

Tillbringade fredagskvällen i sällskap av Damernas, en flaska champagne, ostsnittar och Marabou Schweizernöt. Har varit en smått hysteriskt vecka med för mycket att göra och med ännu mera kvar. Därför lämnade D mig ifred för att jag ska kunna koncentrera mig på att slutföra FVs broschyr, logistiktentan och artikeln för nya jobbet. I torsdags var projektledaren från FV här nästan hela dagen och vi gick igenom annonserna. I fredags fotograferade jag för tidningen mellan 9 -18. En lååång dag som sedan avslutades med några behövliga telefonsamtal med nära vänner. Jag var lite groggy och svamlade säkert på en hel del, bland annat fick du ju höra om fördelen med min nya concealer och nackdelen med vanligt täckstift. Jag hoppas du tog åt dig av den jätteviktiga informationen ;) I lördags pratade jag med mamma och pappa som befinner sig tiotusentals mil härifrån bland somtam och tom yum goong. Mamma har verkligen supervibbar när det gäller sin dotter. Hon frågade om jag mådde bra med den där röntgenkänslan i rösten och till slut brast det för mig och gråtattacken var igång. Det kändes faktiskt skönt att få berätta om att jag har fått ett nytt jobb (tänkte vänta tills de kom hem) turistbroschyrarbetet som jag inte får skapa i lugn och ro utan att det alltid ska stressas från FVs sida och att jag har så svårt att tacka nej. Varför ska man alltid vara så j-kla duktig? Är jag så rädd för att alla ska tycka att jag är medelmåttig? Duger det inte med lagom? Jag antar att jag inte är ensam med de här känslorna. Nu ska jag rycka upp mig och fika med en kompis samtidigt som jag tänkte intervju henne för en artikel. Ja, jag vet, jag kan inte sluta att vara effektiv.

Monday, 12 February 2007

Friday, 9 February 2007

Snow in England is bad news

I was expecting my friend Sanna to arrive from Sweden tonight but she called a couple of hours ago and said her flight had been cancelled due to the snow. Annoying. She had to go back home after spending many hours at Skurup airport and we don't even know if she will find a ticket for tomorrow.
I have been laughing together with other Swedes here in London about the way the English handle snow, or can't handle it rather! On the news this morning they mentioned schools being shut down and the transport being in total chaos. And this is just after a few centimetres. But sure, it's not often it snows in London, but for that one time every year or so, couldn't they have learned something? Look at the postman on the picture I found on BBC's website. They just don't get this winter thing :) And here in my neighbourhood people are out jogging 24/7 in just shorts and a vest. What's wrong with people?
I hope you had a safe journey on the Swedish winter roads today. How did it all go?

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

ännu inget glädjeskutt

Jag har så mycket att göra så jag har ännu inte hunnit reflektera över jobbet jag har blivit erbjuden. Nog blev jag glad när de ringde och berättade nyheten, men jag blev så glad att det enda som jag kunde få fram var "vad trevligt... eller vad kul, roligt alltså". Så jag har ännu inte hunnit ta ett glädjeskutt enligt tradition. Nu så måste en tenta in på fredag och en liten hemsida för vår kurs samt ett utkast över FVs layout. Imorgon så ska jag iväg till kontoret i Nyköping på kickoff. Oh my god! Mitt livs första riktiga kickoff. Det ska bli spännande (och lite läskigt) att träffa de som jobbar där, men först har jag fått i uppdrag att testköra en ny volvo som jag sedan ska skriva lite om. Stackars platschefen i Norrköping, som måste åka med upp. Dblir ju jämt åksjuk när jag kör... så vi får se om vi ens överlever färden. Och om vi hittar dit. Jag har ju som du vet noll lokalsinne. Hittar med nöd och näppe ut genom stan. Och dessutom i en volvo som ger mig hemska flashbacks till tonåren då pappa tvingade mig att köra hans volvokombi. Jag har i alla fall spanat in vad jag ska belöna mig själv med när jag kommer till London. Visst är de läckra? Kanske vore något för dig som är helt inne på romantik och rosor. Dessutom så är det ju en rejäl klack så att du får mer respekt från kassatanten:) Ska stoppa huvudet i garderoben nu och genomlida lite klädångest. God natt!

over 21?

Here it is, our new sideboard. I think we will get along just fine :) Haven't had the energy to fill it up with stuff yet. Now, in theory, we could hide all the papers and little bits that constantly is laying around, making it look messy. Something tells me though, that it's not so much about lack of space and storage if your place is a mess. It's probably all to do with your personality and lack of disciplin.

Something equally annoying and amusing happened to me today at the supermarket. I was buying some wine and the grumpy old lady behind the till asked me if I was over 21. I was shocked and almost couldn't remember if I was 26 or 27. She made me really nervous and luckily I had some ID to prove I wasn't lying :( I wanna look like a 26 year old woman!!! It's ok for me to joke about looking young but not that funny when people actually mistake me for a kid in reality. I'm gona start wearing loads of make up from now on and 7 cm high heels! Respect! Kram

Tuesday, 6 February 2007


Idag har det snöat hela dagen och jag har suttit inne och pluggat. Lägger upp en bild från förra våren eftersom jag längtar så innerligt mycket efter lite solsken. Jag fick en välbehövlig paus från studierna då vi lunchade på Sing Thai. Naturligtvis tog jag deras satay. Den jordnötsåsen går inte att jämföra med någon annan förutom de som serveras i just Thailand. Idag så har mina tankar kretsat mycket kring intervjun som jag var på igår. Hur kommer det att gå? Allt kändes ju väldigt bra och de verkade så härliga och kompetenta. Ikväll hoppas jag få svar på om de vill ha med mig i deras utveckling. Men nu måste jag fokusera på FVs layout och logistiken. Vi hörs.

Monday, 5 February 2007

late news from the weekend

I finally got my ring back and I can't stop staring at it. It was a risky business designing my own but absolutely worth it. Feels very bling in the beginning, like you said with your wedding ring, but in a couple of days, bling will become normality :)
I spent this weekend shopping furniture and gadgets with Scott. He's good at that kind of shopping, always something :) We ordered some drawers and a storage cabinet from Skandium. It's a great shop and it makes a Scandi like me feel at home for a few minutes. Unfortunately our lovely drawers are made in Lapland and we'll have to wait up to 16 weeks until we get them! But they are nice. And we are stupid. We also found a teak sideboard at last, been looking for a long time. It's similar to this one but a bit smaller.
Today, Monday, not a great day. Had lunch out and got sick! Plus I felt really nauseaous, just like I did yesterday. Tucked myself into bed and some sleep and self pity seemed to cure it. Have no idea what's going on on the inside but NO I'm not pregnant :0 At least it gave me a handy excuse for not bothering with the gym today. Phew!

Friday, 2 February 2007

blue mood

I want/need energy. Sunshine, red sneakers and ice cream at Halvars. Vratsagirl's naive photos of the first signs of spring makes me happy. This weekend will not be fun, have to bring the laptop and finish my papers. And order sushi and bring a bottle of wine:)
Hope your weekend will be relaxing and sunny. Kram

no sleep

I've just been suffering my worst night ever. D has been away and he always has problems to go to bed without me. When he finally got into our bed, not even an earthquake could have woken him up. I on the other hand, could not close my eyes. And when I did, I had nightmares about snakes. They were crawling all over me so I woke up screaming out loud, but my husband just kept sleeping. At 2 am Elsa wanted to take a walk. Great. When I finally closed my eyes again it was time for my next nightmare; my grandma was dying. So I screamed again, but only Elsa noticed that. After that horrible dream I was awake for several hours. I really felt like you did in that sketch.

because I'm angry

I've been to another drawing class and I'm still not really enjoying it. It's hard work I tell you. We now have to come up with a project each, an idea of what we would like to put in a place and what place that is. Real or imaginative. And then produce a lot of sketches of this installation/exhibition blabla. I'm so fed up with the whole thinking and analyzing, drawing abstract shapes and commenting on each others genius strokes and blobs. It's not me. It's not what I had in mind. I thought we would be shown some sketching techniques and that being able to tell what someone has drawn wouldn't be a bad thing. The teacher tried to push me a bit today 'cos I told her I felt stuck and that I'm not used to draw big scale and with charcoal etc. She said my drawings are more like signs and that I shouldn't worry if people can't see what it is, 'cos no-one cares what it is anyway. Oh shut up! :) I'm probably just rebelling because I'm way outside of my comfort zone. But even if I never learn to enjoy drawing and thinking abstract, I guess the class has helped me figure a few things out and to draw some new stuff.

I'm sorry you had to wake up and see anger in here, but I feel much better now haha. Writing is good therapy! Sweet dreams

why don't I just go to bed?

The demo is out in case you're interested :)

Thursday, 1 February 2007

cogito ergo sum

Elsa looks like she is philosophising. Maybe she has got inspiration from me, nowadays I'm really boring having my head in the books all the time. Today I finally got out for a cappucino with a friend. Nice to have a normal conversation, Elsa usually don't answer to my questions.